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Find Your Voice_Jo Richards_ Public Speaking.jpg

Courage to Take the Stage 

Maybe you have a story to tell but you'd rather stick your hand in a fish tank full of piranhas than speak in front of a crowd. 

Or maybe you have told a story but you'd love to know how to feel more confident and present in your body while you're speaking. 

In this workshop you will:
*Connect with YOUR unique voice (this is key to speaking  -
on and off stage)
*Learn to navigate through the fear of public speaking
*Elevate your confidence & trust in your voice and what you have to say.

This is an intimate workshop with a max of 8 participants. 

This workshop is appropriate for ALL experience levels. 

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, otherwise register below! 

Register for Find Your Voice

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If the workshop is full, please register here for another date 

Thanks for submitting!

Public Speaking Coach | Storyteller | Speaker |
Talk & Keynote Writer | Sovereignty Mentor 

Find your voice
Clarify your message
Create your Signature Talk


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