Jo Richards
Speaking Confidence Coach,
Talk Writer & Sovereignty Mentor
Your Voice Matters.
Become an embodied, authentic speaker,
on stage &
off stage
Imagine taking the stage, owning the space, feeling at ease and at home in your own skin, knowing that you have something to say, knowing your words have value, feeling fully free to be YOU,
Whether you want to gain confidence in speaking for the stage, for presentations or social media, or you want to be able to freely express in everyday life, there's so many ways we can work together.
Find Your Voice
This foundational coaching session has been life-changing for so many of my clients.
If you feel panic at the thought of speaking in any situation, or you're longing to feel at comfortable and at ease when you speak this intensive will help ground you in your body and connect you with your your wisdom and your voice.
90mins online
$222 USD
UNFURL - Speaking Foundations
Once you connect with your authentic voice and your wisdom you are completely transformed. You actualise. You know that who you are matters, what you have to say matters. You are here.
This foundational coaching program has been life-changing for so many of my clients. The most common response I get is "Since I have done your program I am not the same".
If you feel panic at the thought of speaking in any situation, or you want to deepen your authenticity as a speaker this intensive will help ground you in your body and connect you with your voice.
Through this 1:1 intensive you will
:- Connect with your authentic voice
- Ground into and speak from your truth
- Know how to move an audience with your words
- Develop deep trust in your voice
- Learn tools to work with the energy that arises when speaking
- Become a deeply embodied, engaging and powerful speaker.
$777 USD
4 x 60 min sessions
Payment plans available
UNLOCK - Speaking Mastery
A deeper transformative coaching container to ground into the speaker you know yourself to be.
This program will enable you to feel confident speaking in any situation. Whether you're about to deliver a talk or you want to feel deep trust in your own ability to speak anywhere, this program will give you one of the greatest gifts - trust in the power & beauty of your voice.
Walk into any room and trust your voice.
· Learn powerful public speaking tools
· Learn how to harness the energy that arises before you speak
· Learn the essential art of storytelling
· Know how to deeply move your audience
· Trust your voice, trust your ability to speak spontaneously
· Know how to speak authentically & powerfully & from the heart
Feel comfortable in your body as you speak
3 month program
12 Sessions
$2222 USD
Book a call to know more about this transformative journey and we can see if we're the right fit for one another before we begin.
Coaching or Consulting for
your Unique Project
Bring your specific project and together we can hone your delivery so you walk into any situation feeling confident and empowered.
Examples of projects I've supported clients with:
- Masterclass/workshop speaking delivery
- Presentations
- Talks/Keynotes
- Interview confidence
- Artist Statements and Applications
- Storytelling
- Consulting on theatre productions
- Directing/Dramaturgy
- Physical Theatre/Movement
- Workshop design
Book a 30 min call with me and we can tailor a program to suit you.
Working with Jo has been amazing. She creates a very comfortable container to explore and discover new ways of communicating. Through our 1:1 sessions I was able to find my voice and feel truly grounded and authentic when speaking. The process was deep, sometimes playful and always so well held. I am seeing the ripple effect from my new found confidence in my personal and professional life.